
From SynBioCyc
Revision as of 15:52, 18 April 2014 by Ashley Kessel (Talk | contribs)

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  • --Dennis Mishler (talk) 17:15, 14 April 2014 (CDT) The grammar in the bioattenuation section needs to be improved. In a couple of places throughout the article you use "nature" instead of "natural" "in its nature state" should be "in its natural state"... (phytoremediation)
  • --Dennis Mishler (talk) 17:15, 14 April 2014 (CDT) Good use of examples and covering the potential modes of bioremediation. I would like to know more about the "natural" bioremediation... what types of bacteria are used? What are the relevant pathways?
  • --Jorge Vazquez (talk) 08:50, 18 April 2014 (CDT)Nice job Chen. Except for the grammar mistakes that Dennis already mentioned in general your wiki introduces very well this topic to a lay reader. It's well organized and comprehensive. My critique mainly is that of the need of a smoother transition between the caffeinated E. Coli and bioremediation. I see a lot of strategies in common but in you wiki it looks a bit disconnected. Other than that great job.
  • --Ashley Kessel (talk) 10:51, 18 April 2014 (CDT) Great article! A small edit that I would suggest is explaining specifically what the process of bioremediation was taking place in the first picture (I assume Bioaugmentation or Biostimulation). I agree with whats already been said about including a future sections article.

--Dennis Mishler (talk) 17:12, 17 April 2014 (CDT)* Nathan's wiki critique

Overall Format and structure:

Nice layout, practical and generally easy to follow. There were many examples of bioremediation discussed and this wiki discussed an extensive breadth regarding the topic. Overall, the wiki seemed very focused and structured.

Introduction and background material:

The introduction to this wiki was very succinct and precise. It gave a clear overview of the topics that were to be discussed in greater detail later in the wiki. I was able to understand the general underlying concept of bioremediation simply by reading the introduction.

Methods and main body/concepts:

The descriptions of the different methods were good. They gave a thorough description of what the methods entailed and how it worked. However, I think it would be beneficial to the readers if you gave real examples of how these methods of bioremediation are being used around the world. Perhaps discussing how well each method works and sharing success stories would help this wiki. Also, I think it would have been helpful to discuss the future direction of bioremediation and the problems that must be overcome. Lastly, I would like to have seen how microorganisms help increase efficiency and biocompatability of the plants.

Relation to iGEM and future directions:

There wasn't much about the future direction of bioremediation. I think an additional section focusing on the future of this topic would be beneficial.

Figures, Figure legends, and citations:

The figures were very helpful in understanding the topics that were discussed.